Changing the Narrative
Wendy Carney - Disability Pride Employee Spotlight
Manager of Incentive Compensation
Center Valley, PA
Why are you passionate about Disability Pride?
I have always been someone who thought that everyone should value others for who they are, without outside influence, but it truly became a passion when my daughter was born with Down syndrome. Knowing how the world would see her inspired me to do everything in my power to change the stereotypes and try to make the world a little easier for her to grow up in. I am proud of Olivia for how hard she works and the great things she has accomplished. It is quite fitting that her birthday is in July to coincide with Disability Pride month. No one should be judged or treated differently just because they happen to have a disability. Olivia has Down syndrome, but it doesn’t define her. I want people to know and understand that.

Disability Pride is something new that I am learning for myself. I have always struggled with anxiety and depression and haven’t shared that with many people. The way society looks at mental health is backward. We aren’t weak, in fact, we are stronger than most people know. I am passionate about changing the narrative so we can all become more empathetic to each other and build an environment where individuals with invisible disabilities feel comfortable sharing themselves with the world.
Why did you join the INterAbilities Colleague Affinity Network (CAN) and why would you encourage others to become allies for the disabled community?
I joined the INterAblities CAN to help drive awareness and change at Olympus. I became a co-lead this past year and it has been so rewarding. We give a voice to those that haven’t felt heard, try to educate and spread awareness. It is so important to understand our co-workers since we spend so much time together. Without understanding and acceptance, we can’t be empathetic or be a unified community.
I think it is important for everyone to be an ally to individuals with disabilities to help make the workplace and community more supportive and bring out the best in all of us. When people feel heard, understood and supported, everyone around them feels the benefits. You can help by joining the conversation, listening to others, and letting your own voice be heard.