Expanding Insurance Coverage for the Spiration® Valve System
The Spiration® Valve System offers a new, minimally invasive treatment option for severe emphysema patients. For appropriate patients, the Spiration Valve has been shown in clinical trials to provide statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in lung function, shortness of breath, and overall quality of life.
During the bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) procedure with the Spiration® Valve System, umbrella-shaped endobronchial valves are positioned in selected airways. The valves allow airflow in one direction, preventing air from entering into more diseased parts of the lung and redirecting air to healthier lung tissue. The treatment helps to relieve hyperinflation in the targeted area of the lung and allows healthier parts of the lungs to expand and function more effectively.
Since its launch, insurance companies have been expanding their coverage policies to include endobronchial valves such as the Spiration® Valve System for eligible patients suffering from severe emphysema. Insurance companies now offering coverage, include:
The nation’s largest commercial insurance company, UnitedHealthcare, now provides coverage for eligible patients treated with endobronchial valves for bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR). Serving nearly 50 million medical members worldwide. UnitedHealthcare now joins other payers in the U.S. covering this minimally invasive treatment for people suffering from severe emphysema.
Aetna & Humana
Olympus recently announced an expansion of insurance coverage for the Spiration® Valve System – Aetna and Humana now provide coverage for eligible patients to receive minimally invasive bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) treatment.
Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC)
HCSC is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and the largest customer-owned health insurer in the U.S. and fifth largest overall, covering more than 16 million lives across 5 states: Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The effective date of the policy covering the Spiration Valves was November 1, 2020.
“This expanded coverage for endobronchial valve treatment is great news for patients who suffer from the debilitating symptoms of severe emphysema,” said Dr. David Mason of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. “Not being able to breathe really limits the ability of patients to go about their daily lives, and for those who qualify for the treatment, endobronchial valves can make a big difference.”
“This expanded coverage for endobronchial valve treatment is great news for patients who suffer from the debilitating symptoms of severe emphysema. Not being able to breathe really limits the ability of patients to go about their daily lives, and for those who qualify for the treatment, endobronchial valves can make a big difference.”
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
Highmark is a nationally recognized industry leader in developing up-to-date policy guidelines for safe and effective medical technologies. It is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, and the fourth-largest overall Blue Cross Blue Shield-affiliated organization, with over 5 million members in Delaware, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
Health insurance coverage is constantly evolving and is different for each individual. We encourage you to consult your insurance company to determine if bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) with the Spiration® Valve System is covered for you.
For more information about the Spiration® Valves, visit these dedicated websites:
For doctors: https://svs.olympusamerica.com/healthcare-professionals
For patients and their families: https://svs.olympusamerica.com/patients-and-family
Find a treating physician: https://svs.olympusamerica.com/physician-finder
Important risk and contraindication information: https://svs.olympusamerica.com/prescriptive-information