Healthcare Headwinds and Our Supply Chain Friends
Whitepaper identifies recent healthcare trends impacting supply chain professionals, with potential solutions for consideration.
Healthcare as a business is a complex system. It’s also a big one. In the U.S., healthcare is the largest employer with projected growth of 14% from 2018 to 2028.1 Perhaps no one bears the bulk of this big and growing business quite like the healthcare supply chain professional. Tasked with the nuts and bolts of what keeps this system churning amid economic pressures, political shifts in interest, and pandemic conditions, they are relied upon for their expertise—and don many hats in their roles supporting healthcare facilities.
“What’s Going On? Seven Trends on Healthcare Supply Chain Professionals’ Radar,” uncovers some of the myriad issues related to healthcare workforce shortages, supply chain sustainability, quality metrics and more—and includes resources and potential solutions for consideration.
Access the article for answers to these questions:
- What is being done to attract and retain talent in healthcare institutions following post-COVID staffing shortages?
- How are centers meeting clinical and financial metrics set outside of their departments?
- What can organizations do to actively build more diverse and inclusive teams?
- Can facilities hold themselves accountable to sustainability practices?
Some trends are cyclical, others unpredictable. But in all cases, the advice seems clear that a partner equipped to help face healthcare headwinds is optimal.
1. Census.gov. Census Bureau’s 2018 County Business Patterns Provides Data on Over 1,200 Industries. October 14, 2020. Accessed February 2, 2024.
Find out what solutions Olympus may offer to help supply chain professionals face challenges today.
Download “What’s Going On? Seven Trends on Healthcare Supply Chain Professionals’ Radar,” to learn more.