Olympus Corporation of the Americas announces first rating on workplace disability index

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. (July 20, 2022) - Olympus Corporation of the Americas, a leading medical technology company, scored 90 out of 100 in its inaugural inclusion on Disability:IN's 2022 Disability Equality Index, a comprehensive tool that helps companies work toward disability inclusion.
"I'm proud of the work my colleagues have done to continue to make Olympus a company that's inclusive of everyone in our communities," said Julien Sauvagnargues, President of Olympus Corporation of the Americas. "Participation in initiatives like this are important as they allow us to see where we can make improvements, open a dialogue among co-workers and change the narrative around disabilities."
A partnership between Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities, the Disability Equality Index (DEI) helps companies develop a plan and provides benchmarks for achieving inclusion and equality. It is modeled on the Corporate Equality Index that measures LGBTQ+-inclusive workplace policies.
Inclusion on the 2022 DEI is part of ongoing efforts at Olympus to develop an accessible and inclusive workplace through education, mentoring and volunteerism. One such initiative is a peer support group recently launched by the InterAbilities Colleague Affinity Network that allows employees to work collaboratively to address challenges and establish best practices for connecting Olympus employees with the support they need.
"Disability inclusion is a rapidly expanding aspect of corporate culture, and it's gratifying to partner with these 415 companies now on the 2022 Disability Equality Index," said Jill Houghton, President and CEO of Disability:IN. "These top-scoring companies not only excel in disability inclusion, but many are also adopting emerging trends and pioneering measures that can move the disability agenda from accommodation to inclusion and ultimately, genuine belonging."
The DEI rates companies in six categories:
- culture and leadership;
- enterprise-wide access;
- employment practices (benefits, recruitment, employment, education, accommodations and retention, and advancement;
- community engagement;
- supplier diversity;
- and non-U.S. operations, a non-weighted category.
In 2022, 415 corporations, including 69 Fortune 100, 188 Fortune 500, and 227 Fortune 1000 utilized the DEI to benchmark their disability inclusion efforts.
To learn more about the DEI visit disabilityequalityindex.org.
About Olympus
Olympus is passionate about creating customer-driven solutions for the medical, life sciences, and industrial equipment industries. For more than 100 years, Olympus has focused on making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling by helping to detect, prevent, and treat disease; furthering scientific research; and ensuring public safety. Olympus is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with more than 35,000 employees worldwide in nearly 40 countries and regions. Olympus Corporation of the Americas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Olympus Corporation, is headquartered in Center Valley, Pennsylvania, USA, and employs more than 5,500 employees throughout locations in North and South America. For more information, visit www.olympusamerica.com.
About Disability:INĀ®
Disability:IN is a global organization driving disability inclusion and equality in business. More than 400 corporations partner with Disability:IN to create long-term business and social impact through the world's most comprehensive disability inclusion benchmarking and reporting tool, the Disability Equality Index (DEI); best-in-class conferences and programs; expert counsel and engagement; and public policy leadership. To learn more visit disabilityin.org.
About American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
AAPD is a convener, connector, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power for people with disabilities. As a national cross-disability rights organization AAPD advocates for full civil rights for the 60+ million Americans with disabilities. To learn more visit aapd.com.